Following are the indicators I used to gauge the investors sentiment on Google and will be likely to review them every 2 weeks.
1. Put/Call Open Interest Ratio
1. Put/Call Open Interest Ratio
This is the ratio of total put open interest to total call open interest among options with less than 3 months until expiration. Currently the level is quite high thus it indicates pessimism.
2. Short Interest
The short interest has been decreasing consistently over the past few months which indicates optimism
3. Buy/Sell/Hold
Strong Buy | 16 |
Buy | 3 |
Hold | 1 |
Sell | 0 |
Strong Sell | 0 |
Based on the above, it seems analysts are quite optimistic on Google so the question becomes , is there enough sideline buying demand to support the stock , or is it top heavy.
After reviewing the 3 indicators, I noticed they are sometimes contradicting each another therefore I think this is only at best used to derive a rough gauge of the investor sentiment. I don't think I will put much emphasize on these.
All the above images are retrieved from
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